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Firebird Sasha.png


Where Firebirds truly came from is unknown. They have inhabited the woods and fields of many nations in Europe, mostly Russia and other Slavic countries, masquerading as normal birds. As they roamed, their presence was noticed more and more over time. How could they not be? Their brilliant, crimson feathers and the flames that licked from them easily drew in the eyes. They were coveted for their beauty and then later, for the supposed luck they brought. Just as quickly as they were sought after, they were avoided; when Firebirds are held against their will, their captors will experience grave misfortune the longer they hold them.


Of course, no one knew this and as a result, Firebirds were simply avoided; they seemingly couldn’t be killed. Every time there was an attempt, they would simply explode into flames and be reborn again from the ashes. That is, until, someone managed to crush the molten heart of one, killing it for good. After this, when firebirds were found, they were captured for their feathers or simply killed. Firebirds decided they didn’t like that, and honestly who would? Many of them deliberately went into hiding within the forests, some of them never to be seen again.

Nowadays, the majority of Firebirds keep to themselves within their woods though the truly curious, more human ones like to venture out and see what the world has to offer. Their more adapted forms, thankfully, allow them to do so. Currently, there are 10 Firebirds in existence in Eastern Europe but only a small amount (one, notably) have been able to adapt into a humanoid form.


Modern Firebirds are impossible to differentiate from humans on a surface level. However, taking a picture of them with a camera’s flash will reveal an orange or scarlet halo around either their whole body or mostly their head. This aura is especially noticeable if the picture is taken at night. Firebird physiology, even while in human form, boasts excessive heat; using infrared will pick large focuses of heat within their heart and veins. When using their flame related powers, their eyes will glow red and orange, almost molten lava from behind the iris. Drinking a Firebird’s blood can be invigorating, and is almost like drinking alcohol to vampires.


Semi-Shifted form: Quite humanoid, semi-shifted Firebirds sport wings and many feathers on their body. Their wings are part of their arms, similar to a bat. This is the form most modern Firebirds are able to take, having lost the ability to fully shift anymore. The feathers spread from the back of the neck, covering part of the sides of the face, almost all of the arms and torso. They completely engulf the legs, the legs shifting to be more birdlike. The color of the feathers is a mix of their hair color with red and orange; the closer to the skin the feathers are, the more they will resemble the Firebird’s hair color.


Original: the Original Firebirds were giant birds with the ability to shapeshift. They were incredibly large birds, about 5 to 7 feet in body size, and a wingspan of 10 to 14 feet. Red in color, flames would usually flicker across their feathers on their wings and tail, with some variations in reds and oranges. Sasha, as an original, sports a different tail than others, as seen below.


All Firebirds are born; you either are one or you’re not...


...However, there is the possibility of a Firebird passing on their abilities to a human by having them swallow their heart of fire. The giving of the heart must be something the Firebird is willingly doing, or the flames will consume the person that eats it. Eating the heart has immediate effects on the consumer. The luck that Firebirds have takes immediate effect, and an intense heat will spread through their veins starting from their stomach and erupting into their chest. The feeling is almost comforting as a light glow will be emitted from beneath their skin in the dark. This may last for a few days or a few hours, three days at most.



  • Pyrokinesis: Firebirds can channel fire from within their own body or manipulate pre-existing fire. They can only create their own fire while at least Semi-shifted. The color of the fire does not change, although the heat and intensity can be manipulated by talented birds.

  • Sun Flare: While in human form and semi-shifted form, Firebirds can ignite the fire in their veins to create an intense glow that can be blinding. If done in extreme measures, Firebirds can pretty much self-destruct; this will "kill" them but they can still be reborn.


  • Gift from the Sun: So long as there is genuine emotion behind it, a Firebird’s tears can heal if they are dripped directly onto the open wound.


  • Multiple Lives: Upon dying or being killed, a Firebird will burst into flames and rise again from their ashes.


  • Luck: Firebirds are naturally lucky and can share this energy with other people if they so please. When held against their will, grave misfortune will befall their captives. The longer they are held captive, the more dire the misfortunate for whoever is holding them.


  • Immunities:

    • Curse and Luck spells do not affect them (including all of their tiers)


  • General human-based mortality. Time and adaptation to human life has destroyed a lot of the supernatural durability they may have had; if it can hurt a human, it can hurt a firebird.


  • The Cold: being within the cold for extended periods of time may lull a Firebird into sleep that they don’t wake up from unless tossed into/exposed to flames or extreme heat.

  • Sometimes when a Firebird is reborn, they are reborn as an infant and will lose the memories of their previous life.

Ways to Kill

  • A Firebird can be “killed” any way that a human can.

  • However, the only way to permanently kill a firebird is to destroy their hearts of fire. Their hearts can be destroyed during the rebirthing phase, as when Firebirds die, among the ashes is their heart. This is difficult to do, as the area around a recently deceased firebird is extremely hot.

    • This does not apply to Sasha.​



Q: Can I have/make an Original Firebird?

A: No, you may not.

Q: Does my Firebird have to be from Europe?

A: No, they do not! Although there is a chance that a lot of Firebirds (ones that are born naturally) may know each other since they have such a low populations.

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