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Elves were a prehistoric race of ethereal and mystical humanoids. Because of them, spellcasting was brought into the human world. They had existed long before the human race ever did, though it is unknown where exactly they lurked before revealing themselves. They roamed all over the Earth and many accounts of their existence in different forms have been prevalent in many different cultures. To some, they were seductive beings that brought life and fortune. To others, sickness and death, lured in by their horrific beauty. Elves prided themselves in their magical abilities of many kinds, and were often hailed as demigods or deities to people of many kinds. A majority of elves took these titles seriously, protecting towns, cities and villages from afar and wide by offering wisdom and occasionally their power for help. Elves tended to interact more personally with other non-human beings with keen interest. Later on, their ‘humanoid’ appearance that has become a staple in pop-culture was a result of them attempting to be more relatable to humans.


Where elves are now is mostly unknown. After apparently creating druids by having children with normal humans, their species seemed to dwindle out into non-existence. Inner and outer conflicts with themselves and the new druids they created had them once again drawing away from humans. Some of the most powerful elves grew too arrogant, took their title as gods too seriously and were lost in their hubris. After many of them were killed by combined forces, Elves dissipated further or ceased use of their powers. As time passed, many of them either simply died or became more and more human.


The oldest, most modern elves were last known within the last 3000 years. The only written account of their disappearance is they all agreed their presence was apparently no longer needed. Some left willingly while others were forced into hiding. Where and how is unknown but there have been no legitimate, modern sightings of elves in thousands of years.


How elves looked before they assimilated to humans is mostly unknown. As a species, it allegedly took many attempts for their forms to be close to humans. Still, even before going missing, they still had their iconic pointed ears and were written as being “eerily beautiful” to the point you could almost tell on sight alone that an elf was around. Their ears came in varying lengths and sizes and shapes, though most seemed to be able to hide them with their hair.


On top of this, Elves seemed to exude an air of power. The more blood magic an elf (or anyone for that matter) used, some features about them will change such as streaks of deep crimson within the eyes and even rarer, the hair.


In their more ethereal forms, Elves eyes will glow, engulfing them fully in white, black or red.



  • Original Spellcasting-

    • Blood Magic: Unlike Druid spells, Blood Magic’s source is through mortal/immortal life and not through nature. Elves can manipulate and create blood at will and use either the blood of others or their own blood to cast spells. Spells cast using blood magic are inherently more powerful than ones done by that of Druids.

  • Many of the spells that Druids can learn are skills that come naturally to Elves such as:

    • Telekinesis (general movement of objects and organisms, water, fire, electricity and air)

    • Enhanced senses such as eyesight and smell

  • Otherwise, Elves can perform all Druid Spells save for a small few

  • Shapeshifting: because they wanted to assimilate to humanlike appearances, they were able to shift their physical forms. As a result, Elves can change their outer appearance to a certain degree permanently. Shifting their entire appearance requires them to copy someone else’s and is temporary, usually only lasting a few hours at most.


  • High tolerance to most Druid Magic

  • High physical durability. Elves can withstand even bullets to the head from handguns

  • They are unkillable by human means


  • Elves cannot be possessed by Wendigos or anyone else

    • As a result, they also cannot be mind-controlled by druid spells or otherwise.


  • Blood-mania: bloodlust-induced insanity caused by excessive usage of blood magic. The more blood magic they use, the more their mindset devolves. They become more and more obsessed with obtaining blood in any way that they can, and rely heavily on blood magic usage. Their personality gradually becomes more and more obsessive and the damage is ultimately irreversible after a certain point.

  • Pentacles and pentagrams (known historically also as “Elf Crosses”) are natural repellents against Elves. They cannot move if they are within the shape of one and cannot go into areas marked by them. Should a person have a pentagram or pentacle somewhere on their person, Elves cannot use their abilities against them with malicious intent and cannot draw too close.

Ways to Kill

  • They are not killable but can be slowed down by.

  • Only druids have the potential to possibly kill Elves

  • Elves can be put into a permanent state of sleep using elf crosses,



Elves tended to look down on most ‘human’ monsters such as vampires, considering them to be abominations to human nature They have a fondness for the ‘beast’-type monsters such as lycidas,  werewolves, firebirds and others. They almost feel the same way about them as humans feel about pets and other domesticated  animals.

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